Win rate is one of the most important stats in League of Legends. It’s the key metric of showing how well we have been doing in our climb, and it’s the best predictor of how well we will do in the future.
Now, there are many questions around the win rate, such as “What is a good win rate to have.” In this article, we will aim to illuminate everything around this topic!
What is a Good Win Rate in League of Legends
What one would consider a good win rate depends highly on the context. For example, an average player has a win rate of 50%. If you are at this win rate it’s a sign that you have reached the maximum possible ranking with the skills you possess, to climb further you would need to increase your win rate at least a little bit.
The minimum possible win rate to climb would be something like 51%, however, climbing like this would take ages, because it would mean you win only 51 out of 100 games you play. A much better win rate for normal rates of climbing would be 55% or higher. With a 55% win rate, you would win 55 and lose 45 games out of 100. This is a total of 10 net wins. Depending on your LP gains, this would be equivalent to around 250 LP. If your win rate is 60%, that would be over 500 LP in a hundred games, which is quite a lot.
How to Increase Win Rate in League of Legends
The fastest way to increase the win rate is by winning more. To achieve this consistently, it’s always best to stick to one role. Playing only one role will allow you to learn all the skills required for it, and it would make you progress faster relative to the players who are playing multiple roles at once.
If you really want to excel and improve your win rate faster, you can also start tricking a champion. Playing one champion is pretty much the same as playing one lane. It simply limits you to fewer things, and forces you to execute the things left better.
What Should Be my Win Rate (League of Legends)
If you are on your climb you might be wondering what should be your win rate. Well, from what I’ve gathered in my LoL career, a really comfortable place to be would be 55%, with enough effort, this win rate can be maintained and you can breeze through the ranks. However, I would advise anyone not to worry too much about win rate.
As long as you are trying your best and looking for ways to improve, the win rate will not be that relevant. The only reason we should really look at the overall win rate is if we are performing horribly.
Now, even though we should not stress about the overall win rate, there are some win rate metrics we should check from time to time. One of those metrics is the champion’s win rate. For example, if you are playing 5 champions, and each of them has 50+ games, you should always look to play the ones with the highest win rate.
Final Thoughts
A good win rate in League of Legends is a highly relative thing and it will mainly depend on your goals. If you are just looking to climb at a steady pace, you would need to keep the win rate above 55%. However, even if you have a lower win rate, you will still have plenty of climb windows provided you just try to get better at the game continuously!