League of Legends Yorick Counters Season 14


Yorick is a powerful split-pushing champion. He is especially powerful in lower elo’s where he can single-handedly end the game by properly utilizing his kit. Matching his splitpush is quite a hard task, however, with the right champions, you can completely annihilate almost any Yorick player.

Here are the greatest Yorick Counters to help you do exactly that in season 14!

Best Yorick Counters


Zac stands at the top of the list of Yorick counters. The reason for this is, well, a lot of things. First and foremost Zac can stack up incredible amounts of armor and HP. With these stats on his side, Yorick can hardly do any damage to Zac.

Even if a Yorick player is skilled and lands all his abilities, Zac will simply erase his ghouls with simple W and E usage. Now, in some odd situation where Yorick manages to win a trade, Zac can simply regenerate all the HP by playing passively for a brief period of time. The regeneration is supposed to be achieved through using W, and Q on minions, then healing on the blobs that get produced.


Gwen_CafeCutiesSkin title

Another significant counter to Yorick is Gwen. Her base countering ability comes from straight-up stat-checking Yorick. Additionally, her Q scissor cut allows her to quickly destroy any ghouls Yorick might spawn. By utilizing E, Gwen is also able to quickly chop through Yorick’s cage, countering yet another one of his spells.


Wukong Splashart

Much like the other champions on this list, Wukong can quickly deal with pretty much all of Yorick’s abilities. He can destroy his cage in a matter of seconds, he can also delete the ghouls and maiden, and he does all this the best by using his “W” clone ability. Wukong also has the option of building items that straight up counter Yorick such as Black Cleaver and Death’s Dance. These give him the HP and armor to counter Yorick’s damage, as well as armor penetration to counter his defenses.


Fiora Splashart

Fiora will counter Yorick by slashing his ghouls using her front dash Q ability, as well as by utilizing her E damage. When it comes to face-to-face fighting, Fiora also holds the edge. The true damage from her vitals and E is enough to slay through Yorick effortlessly.


Irelia Splashart

The pattern repeats, Irelia is another champion who gains an advantage over Yorick by being able to quickly destroy all his ghouls. She does that by simply pressing Q on them. Irelia’s Q has an in-built cooldown reset, which is triggered each time a unit is slain with the spell.


Warwick title

Warwick might be the best combination of Yorick’s countering potential and skill required. The champion is pretty easy to play, and he does a great job of fighting against Yorick. With Warwick, you can quickly consume all the Yorick ghouls with your basic attacks and Q, then slay Yorick with your ultimate.

Final Thoughts

Yorick can be a super-hard champion to deal with. He has immense split-pushing power, he is great at dueling, and he has plenty of sustain in his kit. However, champions who can quickly eliminate his ghoul and maiden tend to do pretty well against him. I would recommend picking champions such as the ones outlined in this list when you want to have an easy time facing Yorick.

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