Jinx Minigun vs Rocket Launcher – Full Guide


Jinx’s weapon has two major modes. The first mode is a steady single-hit minigun, while the other is a rocket launcher that has an AOE range and has the ability to target multiple enemies at once. Here is a complete breakdown of these two.

Jinx’s Mingun

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The default mode for Jinx’s gun is the minigun mode. It uses no mana, and it can target only one unit at a time. This mode has a lower range than the Rocket launcher, but it does have more attack speed. It’s best to use this mode when you want to focus on a single target, as you will have a much higher damage output, and it will enable you to kill them much quicker.

Jinx Rocket Launcher

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As already mentioned, the rocket launcher has an AOE range, meaning it can hit multiple enemies at once. This weapon is pretty great for clearing huge waves of minions, and for fighting enemies stacked together. Rocket Launcher does use mana so it’s better to use it conservatively until you get a feel for its expenditure.

Now, when it comes to using Rocket Launcher in the lane, there are some more things to take note of. For example, this weapon is really great for poking the enemies, since it also has a higher range than the base weapon. The most common combo is hitting enemies with W, and then landing a couple of attacks with the Rocket Launcher enabled. 

Following the above-outlined trading pattern can get you significantly ahead. The reason for that is that trades will simply become more favorable. Once the E lands, the enemy will take damage and get slowed. The slow applied to enemies coupled with the extended range from the weapon will allow you to hit them with them being unable to retaliate in an equivalent manner.

Additional Tips for Jinx Weapons

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When using Jinx weapons, you will rarely want to hold on to one weapon for a long time, instead, it’s better to use them in combination. For example, when chasing or trading with enemies, you can use Q to get enemies when they are out of range. As previously mentioned, this is great for out-ranging them and getting favorable trades. However, when enemies get closer, you can switch back to the machine gun to increase your output. 

Since games are dynamic, enemies will often run in and out of your range, which will enable you to cycle your weapons accordingly. Generally, when enemies are close, you will want to use the machine gun, but if there are multiple enemies stacking near you, Rocket Launcher is still fine and actually preferable. The key takeaway is that it’s important to stay flexible and learn the limits of the weapons. 


Jinx has two weapons she can utilize to fight enemies. The first one is a minigun which has no mana expenditure, has high rates of fire, and targets single units, while the other one spends mana for each hit, while also having higher range and the ability to target multiple enemies.

The first weapon is generally better for close range and single target fights, while the second one is used against multiple enemies regardless of their proximity. Both of these weapons are super useful, and they should be used interchangeably in pretty much every fight.

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