Dragons are one of the most essential objectives in League of Legends, therefore, it’s always wise to get as many of them in every game you are playing.
Here are some tips to help you secure as many dragons as possible in League of Legends.
Play Champions That Can Solo Kill Dragons
One of the easiest ways to make sure you get most of the dragons on the map is to play a jungle champion that can clear dragons single-handedly. Some of the greatest picks for this are Vi, WW, Kha’Zix, and Master Yi. However, whichever champion you pick, you will need to know their strengths well.
For example, Vi can clear drakes as soon as they spawn, and she has the extra safety mechanism with her Q. Regardless of what happens, Vi can always use her Q to escape the dragon pit. When it comes to WW, he too can clear the dragon on-spawn, however, he does not have any escape other than flash. Yi is also good for clearing drakes early since he can dodge their auto-attacks by using Q, W.
When doing these early clears, it’s important to know the exact location of the enemy champion. If they are on the opposite side of the map, or if you see them ganking, there is a really high chance that you will get the drake. Now, there are too many scenarios that can happen, but you will get pretty comfortable with taking early dragons the more you practice it.
Ward Around Dragons
Taking dragons in the early game is quite cheesy but it works. But what about all the other dragons, what are the steps we can take to secure them? Well, glad you asked. To start, the first thing we want to have around all our drakes is vision. When all the entrances to the objective are covered, it’s much easier to see the incoming enemies.
If we know when the enemy is coming and the vision is set up we will have a huge lead over our enemies. We will be able to deflect the enemies as they will be running in the dark, especially if we have used a sweeper to clear out all their wards.
Having vision is also important for not taking drakes. Now, as much as we like taking drakes, sometimes we have to make hard but correct decisions. If we see too many enemies approaching through warded territory, and we deduce that the enemies are too strong for us to fight, we will mostly have enough time to retreat.
Coordinate Your Team
The final tip for securing dragons relates to coordinating your team, this is a really crucial thing to do. No matter what role we are playing, if we are the ones shot calling for dragons, we have to assess every lane state. We have to account for things such as our laner wave states, their HP, mana levels, and abilities. If everything seems good, we can only then start doing a dragon and calling our teammates to join us!
Final Thoughts
Dragon is one of the most important objectives in League of Legends, and securing it is often the winning condition for many games. The best way to secure dragons is to play as jungle, and play picks that can solo dragons. Other than that, we should also coordinate our team and set up vision around dragons to bolster our chances.