League of Legends has several champions that can inflict their enemies with poisons. These poisons deal magic damage over time and are extremely difficult to deal with. Here are our best poison champion picks for League of Legends.
Best Poison Champions League of Legends
Cassiopeia is pretty much the “poison” champion since every one of her spells is poisonous. Her Q will damage the enemies, poison them, and give Cassiopeia movement speed. The second spell will also poison the enemies, and impair their movement speed. Cassio’s E is a fast-cast damage spell, and her ultimate is yet another poison that will stun the enemies facing Cassiopeia.
Overall, Cassiopeia is one of the best champions for those who want to live out the poison theme. It must be noted that this champ is extremely difficult to play, however, she is also a really strong and interesting pick!
Teemo is a great top lane poison champion. He is known as one of the most annoying champions in the game. The reasons for his dislike are multiple, but people generally do not like the amount of ranged poke he can produce. His Q is a bind that damages enemies and renders them unable to use auto-attacks. His E adds passive poison to his auto-attacks. Finally, Teemo has an invisible ultimate with massive amounts of damage and poison.
Now when it comes to Teemo gameplay, you will want to play as aggressively as possible in the laning phase. In the later stages of the game, you will want to help out your team by placing shrooms in all locations where enemies might walk.
Singed is a niche top lane pick with a unique playstyle. His core feature is his Q poison. This is a toggle ability that we can use when running between enemies. When enabled, this poison will use a little bit of our mana each second, but it will deal damage to any enemy in range.
Now regarding Singed gameplay, it’s quite simple. Your main goal will be to run around enemies and apply Q to them. This will cause them to take significant damage and will benefit your team greatly. In team-fight scenarios, you can also use Singed to disable carries.
When it comes to ADCs our best bet for a poison pick is Twitch. The poison by this champion is applied each time we auto-attack an enemy, it’s also applied whenever an enemy spends some time in our W ability. The poison on Twitch has a stacking system, and when our enemy has a few poison stacks applied we can use that to damage them even further with our E.
Aside from being an interesting poison character, Twitch is also one of the best carries in League of Legends. In the late game, he can pretty much erase the entire enemy team with good positioning. It’s also notable that this champion can be played as both AD and AP.
Final Thoughts
Poison is a niche but interesting League of Legends mechanic, it’s possessed by few champions but the champions that do possess it happen to be really strong. All these picks have unique gameplay and style that is hardly replicated by other champions in the game. For those curious, the current strongest pick on this list is Teemo.