Counter jungling is one of the most essential skills a jungler can possess. This quality is valued at every elo, but it is most beneficial in ranks below diamond. If you get proficient at invading, you can consistently disable the enemy jungler, and play games as if they were 4v5 all the time.
Here are some of the best counter junglers you can try!
Best Counter Junglers in League of Legends
The first spot in this guide is reserved for the absolute king of invading, Kha’Zix. This champion can pretty much invade in every game, as there are only a few champions that can match its early-game strength.
The invade paths with Kha’Zix are flexible. You might opt for a lvl 3 invade, you might go for a lvl 2 invade, at times, you can even start your clear in the enemy jungle. Overall, Kha is a very versatile champion who can get majorly ahead with counter-jungling.
Nunu is a great counter jungler if you are not someone who enjoys fighting too much. With Nunu, you can simply enter the enemy jungle, smite and Q their camps, and roll back to your jungle. This is quite an effective counter jungling method. It’s pretty low risk and low rewards, but it’s consistent and it works.
If you ever had the misfortune of playing against high elo Graves you know how oppressive this champion is. Graves counter jungling ability comes from his fast AOE damage, and good defensive mechanism. This champion can clear camps incredibly fast with his Q, and when forced to fight, he can usually dish out some pretty great defenses with his E. Overall, Graves is one of the top fighting counter junglers.
Nidalee is an early-mid game counter jungler that is distinguished by fast clears. Nidalee can quickly sweep away one of her jungle sides, then move to invade the enemy jungler. With enough prowess and experience, you can outmaneuver the enemy jungler and work to kill them. Now, Nidalee does require a lot of skill, and even the most skilled players can struggle with getting kills on her invades, however, she is still effective in clearing the enemy jungle.
A good Shaco can make the enemy’s heads spin around. This champion can quickly dismantle his camps, and use his Q to jump over the enemy walls and reach their jungle. Once there, Shaco can place traps for the incoming enemies, or use his stealth to play around enemies if they are already there.
The most common scenario with Shaco invading is a lvl 3 invade. This invade usually results in a first blood +1 camp taken for free. It’s an incredibly strong tactic that can decide the outcome of a game quite early on.
Lee Sin
If you are looking for a counter jungling champion to main, Lee Sin would be the best option. This champion is incredibly hard to play, however, mastering him brings immense rewards. Lee Sin is a great fighter and invader, and he is one of the best early game junglers. With proper mechanical knowledge, he can carry most games single-handedly.
Final Thoughts
Counter jungling is one of the most fun aspects of playing jungler. It becomes even more interesting when experienced with champions who are designed to excel at counter jungling. My top aggressive invading / counter jungling picks would be Kha’Zix, Graves, and Lee Sin.