League of Legends has over 170 champions, all with their strengths and weaknesses. Some are easy to pick up, while some require years to achieve mastery. The greatest difference between these picks is the return on the investment they bring.
With hard picks, you are bound to get incredible value long-term. So here are some of the best champions when mastered in League of Legends.
Best Champions When Mastered in League of Legends
Riven is one of the most mechanically demanding champions in League of Legends. She is not that hard to get started with, but the highest levels of Riven gameplay require some real effort to reach.
If you get sufficiently proficient with Riven, meaning you know her limits fully, you will be able to duel more than 99% of top laner players without much effort. The power of mastering Riven can not be understated, and the greatest testament to this are the players who climbed to the top of the League ladder with medium macro knowledge and perfect Riven mechanics.
Yasuo is another champion that’s insanely powerful when fully mastered. Despite my years of League of Legends experience, I did not know how strong this champion was until I started playing with challenger Yasuo players. These people would sometimes have really bad game knowledge, but they would absolutely destroy everyone in fights. This was due to countless hours of honing on their mechanics and testing their limits
Although not distinguishably strong in this meta, Cassiopeia is bound to become relevant soon. When played by true masters, this champion will casually 1v3 by perfectly executing every skill shot, spell combo, and spacing. Cassiopeia is truly one of the most frightening champions when piloted by one trick ponies.
Here is a scary one. Shaco is not as difficult to master as some of our previous picks, but those who master him are truly out to get you in any given game. Master Shaco players will not try to win the game against you, however, winning will be just a side effect of their gameplay.
These guys will run circles around you, steal your jungle, and they will steal all the neutral objectives when in proximity. On top of that, they will drag you around in fights that you can not win by expert use of their clone.
There are some statistics showing that Katarina’s win rate can increase by 13% when played perfectly. This makes sense as she is one of the most mechanically demanding mid lane champions. To be great with Katarina, there are a lot of different patterns to remember. Furthermore, these patterns also need to be applied differently in various situations, which makes the matters even more complicated.
What makes Katarina especially hard to master is that she has a completely unique kit. Therefore, the experience you gathered on other champions will not have that much carry-over to Katarina.
Final Thoughts
League of Legends has a pretty wide selection of champions with varying levels of difficulty. Depending on your goals, you can opt to play easier or harder champions. If you are looking for the best results long-term, it might be best to pick up some pretty demanding champions and use them to climb. It will make your journey much harder in the beginning, but in the end, you will reach a much higher point than you would have otherwise.