Best Champions for Trolling in League of Legends


Whether you are someone looking to have a little fun with your friends, or trying to understand the psychology and tactics behind troll players, you have come to the right place. In this article, we are going to go over the best champions for trolling. Regardless of your intentions, it’s good to be familiar with these picks.

Best Troll Champions in League of Legends


Skin Splash Classic Nunu Willump

Nunu is a champion that has been picked by trolls so many times that it has almost become synonymous with trolling. Each time I see an ally hovering over Nunu, I feel a slight chill in my body. 

Now, when should you actually be concerned when you see Nunu? Well, if the Nunu is picked anywhere outside the jg, you can be pretty sure that the game is doomed if the champion select goes through. 

Now, you might even see Nunu picked in the jungle, but with Ghost and Cleanse equipped. This is another sign for you to dodge the game. The ghost and cleanse Nunu is part of the “Disco Nunu” tradition which denotes trolling and ruining the games.


Blitzcrank-Splashart title

This is yet another pick that will often be played by trolls. It’s especially common with people who feel like their jungler has sinned against them. These players will usually pick Blitz, follow the jungler around the map, and disable them from clearing camps properly by pulling the camps out of fighting range. This is an advanced category of trolling that is almost respectable due to the creativity involved.


Another common troll pick you might see often is Anivia. Players mainly take this champion as she can disrupt team mate recalls with her W. Anivia’s W is a large wall that will change the movement of any champion it gets in contact with, ally or otherwise. The purpose of this for trolling is evident. With troll Anivia on your team, you will be forced to walk back to the base every time you need a recall. This makes Anivia one of the strongest troll champions in League of Legends.


Bard Splashart

We have listed many trolling champs, but the list keeps giving. Bard is yet another support that can be utilized for nefarious means. His ultimate will freeze any unit within its range, including the ally champions. Therefore, we can see how someone can use this in a variety of negative ways. For example, this ultimate can be used to cancel recalls, trap allies in front of enemies, cancel ally herald attacks on enemy towers, etc. The opportunities for trolling with Bard’s ultimate are truly endless.


trundle title

Trundle’s trolling is pretty much the same as Anivia’s. Instead of a wall though, Trundle will use a pillar that can disrupt any champion. Now not many people think of playing Trundle as a troll pick, but it is something you might see in your games from time to time.

Final Thoughts

As with any competitive game, there will be ways to ruin the traditional type of play. Trolling in League of Legends is one of many ways of changing the normal game experience. Motivated by anger, trolls will pick different kinds of champions in order to disrupt normal flow of the game, and tilt ally players. This is usually done with champions which have spells which can interact with allies (Anivia, Trundle, Bard), but there are also some more creative picks such as Blitzcrank, that have their unique trolling methods.

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