Climbing out of low ELO is not easy by any means, especially when you are playing ADC. In this role, there are so many things to worry about. You are focused on last-hitting, on the enemy movement, and on what your support does.
To make the task of climbing out of low ELO easier, today we are gonna go over the best ADCs for low ELO in League of Legends.
Best ADC for Climbing out of Low ELO
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune is one of the most simple ADCs. The simplicity of her kit is highly beneficial for climbing out of low ELO because it will allow you to focus on things that really matter such as game fundamentals. Game fundamentals are game rules that apply across every champion in the game, those are things such as CSing, trading, rotating etc. When playing a simple champ you will have more brain bandwidth to excel at these things.
Another great ADC pick for low ELO is Ashe. Her kit is quite simple, and it pretty much requires you to press auto-attacks on the enemy. A nice thing about Ashe is that each one of her auto-attacks is slow, which will enable you and your support to hit the enemies more consistently. Ashe is also distinguished by her global stun ultimate, which can be used to kill enemies despite the large distance, or initiate fights.
Jinx is one of the best scaling ADCs, and the games in low ELO are rarely closed on time. This means that you will have plenty of opportunities to utilize the full power of this champion. Jinx is a great carry pick that can annihilate large quantities of enemies in a fight. She works really well when paired with enchanters, and these kinds of champions enable her the greatest late-game potential.
In the early game, Jinx works best to engage supporters such as Nautilus, and Maokai. These supports can facilitate early kills, and generally be helpful in catching enemies around the map.
While not a true ADC in the full sense of the word, Seraphine is still played in the ADC position. In low ELO, she can pretty much go even in the worst matchups, and win most of the other matchups. Seraphine has plenty of poke that enables her to chunk down the enemies and disable them from playing, while also having enough shielding and healing for her and her ally in the lane. Seraphine is especially powerful in the late game, where she can apply massive buffs to her entire team.
If you are a patient kind of gamer, you might enjoy Kog’Maw. This pick is nothing spectacular in terms of gameplay, but it does reward calculated play. With Kog’Maw, you are expected to play a safe early game with an enchanter support. It is only in the late mid-game or late game that this champion starts to become strong. However, when he does become strong, he is one of the best ADCs to melt all the enemies in front of himself.
Final Thoughts
Playing ADC in low ELO can be tough. However, there are plenty of ways to make the experience less hard and more enjoyable. A good start would be playing easier champs, as these would allow you to focus on gameplay rather than piloting champ. Another alternative is playing some heavy carry champs, as these will reward you for the extra effort and enable you to carry more easily.