Best AD Mid Laners in League of Legends


The mid lane is mostly dominated by AP mage champions, however, there are some viable AD picks to play. We have made a small selection of champions that can fit versatile needs, from roaming to fighting, all the way to split-pushing.

So, here are the best AD Mid Lanes in League of Legends.

Best Mid Laners in League of Legends

Yasuo & Yone

Yasuo-and-Yone-in-League-of-Legends-and-Wild-Rift title

Although often hated, Yasuo and Yone are one of the strongest mid lane picks you can take. These champions are incredible critical strike fighters that can be itemized in a multitude of ways. The most popular option with players is Yasuo. He does have his strengths but he is risky for beginners as it is too easy to die while playing him.

Yone is a nice alternative that combines a decent number of interesting Yasuo mechanics with a great amount of safety. His primary safety ability is his E, which enables him to travel the full duration of the lane and retreat back to his starting point. Yone is so versatile that he can even use his ultimate to escape tricky situations.


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Zed is a staple AD assassin mid lane pick. He is pretty much the best overall pick in this category. What’s tricky about Zed is that he is a highly mechanically demanding champion, but if you can get past this requirement you will enjoy your time playing him.

When it comes to gameplay, Zed is most distinguished by his roaming ability. With nicely developed game sense, you can create massive leads by roaming around the map and picking up kills. The best roaming spots for Zed are bot lane, and map skirmishes. When playing Zed, you should always keep an eye on fights that might happen around your lane.


Tristana-Splashart title

Tristana is a beautiful marksman pick that can dominate mid lane. She is characterized by incredibly powerful all-ins. With enough experience, you will be able to trade pretty comfortably on this champion. Tristana also has a nice E which enables her to jump out of tricky situations.

Some other notable Tristana qualities are her pushing and roaming strength. When left alone with a tower, she can chop the structure up within 15 seconds on average. Now regarding her roaming, that’s a story for itself. Roaming is so powerful on Tristana because she can just jump on the enemies in a fight and help her allies chop them down. 


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Our final pick will be Talon. He is a really close relative to Zed in terms of his kit. However, Talon is much easier to play in some circumstances. For example, Talon’s all-in engages are pretty easy, while Zed has to struggle to pull off a combo. Talon can jump through the map to reach a point, whereas Zed has to find different ways to surprise the enemies. Overall, both champions have their strengths and weaknesses, and it’s best to try out both champions to see what fits.

Final Thoughts

Mid lane is mostly dominated by mage AP picks, however, there are still some great AD mid lane picks to explore. For those enjoying assassin type of gameplay, I would recommend Zed and Talon, for skirmishes and fighters, Yone and Yasuo would be the best picks, finally, I would recommend Tristana for those who enjoy roaming and splitpushing!

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